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calum and michael were invited to the same party, even though michael was more reserved and calum was more of a popular guy but they were playing 'baby will you smile for me?' (if you don't know, you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to sit in front of them or on their lap and whisper 'baby will you smile for me?' while touching and seducing them and they have to try not to) so michael grins when it lands on calum, who bites his lip and exhales and making a blank face and michael goes bold and slides onto his lap, hearing hoots and hollers and he sucked at sensual stuff so he smiled softly at calum, one hand tracing his jaw while the other played with his hair and he fluttered his eyelashes cutely and fluffed his hair with his sweater paws 'baby..will you smile for me?' and it wasn't even two seconds before calum was because he was so goddamn cute so people are cheering and screaming and luke and ashton walk to the back of the house later only to see that the two boys already took their make out spot.

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