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michael was pissed at famous!calum because he paid off his house when he figured out michael was struggling with financing stuff and now calum is poking his cheek repeatedly 'mikey, don't be mad.' he pouted but the redhead didn't answer, just turned his face away more 'mikey..' he whispered, realizing he wasn't playing around 'mike, baby, c'mon, were having trouble--' 'calum.' and calum stopped talking, watching as michael stood up and walked away from him, and calum sat on the couch not knowing what to do so he grabbed his phone 'CalumHood: @MichaelClifford :(( forgive me please..i've been a dick.' and when the trend #ForgiveCalum trends around the world michael tweets back 'MichaelClifford: @CalumHood You're not a dick, just stop buying me things xx' and calum runs into the lounge and tackles him in kisses.

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