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luke being the sweetheart of the school was the best thing ever for him, everyone loved him and always hugged him because he loved hugs and valentines day is the day when luke walks into school to see his locker full of roses, same with most others, just not as many but before he can do anything, something catches his eye, the fact that the boy ten lockers down was staring at him, and luke smiled and the boy smiled sadly, glancing at his locker before his own, empty one, and walking away.

just because everyone knew luke, didn't mean he knew everyone and maybe that's why he's running around like a lunatic because he's looking for ashton, a boy who had given him, no, not red roses, but white, along with the most beautiful poem he had ever read and he gives up, going back to his locker and he sees that boy again 'are you okay?' he had asked and luke sighed, looking up at the taller boy, 'do you happen to know an ashton?' and the boy's eyes widened and he shook his head, before clenching his eyes when he hears michael screaming 'ashton!!' and running towards him and luke smiles at the blushing boy who is trying to avoid his gaze and that's the start of everything.


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