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michael was standing in the mirror fixing his tux and ruffling his hair, freshly died black and he looked at himself, goosebumps running up his arms but he smiled, he wasn't nervous, he was so excited and he turned when he heard the door open 'mr. irwin will see you now.' and michael snorted, chuckling at calum who grinned 'let's go.' and michael is standing at the alter with a bitten lip, shuffling his feet like he always did and then the doors open and everyone is standing and oh god, he looks so pretty as ashton walked down with his step dad, his tux being a gray-ish color and then there's tears in michael's eyes because he's so happy and excited and ashton almost glares at him from halfway down the aisle, mouthing 'don't you dare fucking cry.' with a smile and michael chuckles, letting them fall anyway as the boy of his dreams is now standing in front of him, and ashton slips his fingers in between michael's, 'i love you.' 'i love you more.' and ashton smiled 'dearly beloved...'

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