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'how could you do this?! how could you do this to me?!' michael sobbed and lifted luke's head into his lap and he grabbed his phone, not caring about blood smeared on his screen when he typed in 911 '911 what's your emergency?' 'hello my boyfriend tried to kill himself and his wrists are crazily cut and--' and he let out a sob and he finished the phone call, hanging up and still sobbing and he takes off his shirt, ripping it and tying it tight around his wrists to try and stop the bleeding until he hears a weak whimper 'michael..' 'luke, fucking hell what were you doing?!' he sobbed, starting to hear the sirens outside their house and the door bursting open and two hours later michael is sobbing his way under the covers next to his boyfriend, carefully holding his wrists to kiss over the bandages and luke's stomach is full of guilt because he's destroyed his boyfriend more than himself.

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