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nobody said a word when ashton walked through the door, luke only teared up and buried in his collarbones sniffing because the hazel eyed boy quit his tour to come back because luke's parents had died and as much as luke told him to stay on tour he had to come back, and management was disappointed but ashton didn't care, he needed to be with his love of six years so he said a quiet hey to everyone else before scooping his baby up and bringing him upstairs while he clutched ashton's jacket in fists and sobbed quietly into his chest 'love..' he whispered, kissing his forehead as he sat on the bed, the boy still trembling in his lap 'ashton..' he sobbed, 'why them? they never did anything..' he sobbed into his shirt as he shrugged off his jacket, wrapping it around luke's shoulders because he was so cold, he didn't know why but ashton wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead 'i love you sweetheart.'

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