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ashton was on his way home from the merchant's shop, focused on the stone sidewalk when he hears shouting, so he stops in his tracks, looking forward and up the street to see a man towering over a trembling and sobbing blonde boy so he rushes over, pulling him behind his body 'what is wrong here?' and the boy continues to tremble when the man booms 'this little rat can't do anything.' and he whimpers, burying in the hazel eyed boy's back because that was the height he could reach so ashton frowns 'does he work for you?' 'he's my faggot son.' and ashton's eyes widened when he got angry again 'f-father please—' 'YOU SHUT UP YOU FILTH!!' and the boy falls silent except for his sniffs and sobs and ashton glares at him before slapping the back of his head and pulling the blonde away.

luke was fucking terrified when he came back to ashton's home because it was actually quite bigger and fancier than he had ever seen 'you're father is..' ashton growled, his hand tightening on luke's and the blonde smiled slightly 'a dick, i know.' 'worse.' and they both shared a laugh and then ashton is just staring at his eyes because they're actually so pretty and blue so he cups his cheek 'you-your eyes..they're captivating' and luke just blushes and murmurs a thank you and ashton leans forward, staring at his lips 'not a problem.' and he kisses him softly while his other hand makes it to his lower back.

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