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michael never allowed badboy!ashton near his sketch book which always confused him because they'd been working on this school project for almost a month, but he accepted it but one day michael looked so focused in it that when he went in the shower ashton snuck his arm under the bed, grabbing it and sitting against the wall, flipping it open and his eyes widen when there's so many good drawings, but of him, and they were so gorgeous that he kept looking through them, but he didn't notice michael standing in the doorway, dressed but hair still wet from the shower 'IRWIN!!' 'oh fuck i'm in trouble now' he muttered and he stood, and even though he was stronger and taller and scarier looking then michael, ashton wanted to cower away from him like a puppy 'ash!! i told you not to.' and he flinches when he hits his arm lightly and he snatches it and ashton's eyes soften when he sees his full of tears 'michael,' he whispered, hugging him and kissing his hair 'y-you weren't supposed to know--' 'i'm glad i do.' and michael had been waiting too long to taste his lips.

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