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ashton's shaky fingers dropped the bouquet that he was praying would be enough and his eyes filled, matching michael's once the words escaped the red haired boy's lips 'i think i need a break ash,' because he fucked up for the third time, first he missed a family picnic, then his graduation, and now his birthday and ashton was so afraid of those words because he loved michael with everything, it's just his music career is getting so big that he just..and then 'mike, please, y-you can't--' 'ashton i've tried!' he said desperately, cutting him off and tears rolled down his cheeks, 'i've tried so hard to forgive and forget but i can't anymore. i've given you so many chances.' he whispered, shaking his head and sobbing and he walks out the bedroom door and goes to luke's, where ashton will go every day for four weeks to plead until michael finally comes back when calum calls him after checking on ash, who was drunk and sobbing and bloody in their bathtub, surrounded by old polaroids.

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