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michael had been dating luke for some time and even if he was a 'bad boy,' luke wasn't, not at all, and that seriously worried his principal father so he calls michael to the familiar office, 'uh, hey, dr. hemmings haven't seen you in a while.' he mumbled, sitting, and not knowing that luke's father knew he expected something quick; detention for something, or another warning, but no, he said something michael thought he'd never hear 'i know you're dating my son..' and michael's eyes widen ' m not--' 'don't play dumb, i've seen you two.' and michael blushes 'listen,' he leant forward and michael looked up, never being so quiet, and the principal glared at him 'you're with my son one more time.' he stood up and slammed his fist 'there will be consequences..i know what you've done to girls around here, and that's not going to happen to my son. got it?' and luke's dad is cooking dinner at home when he hears the door close softly 'liz?!' 'no..' he heard a quiet voice of luke and smiled, rounding the corner to see his son in tears, sniffling and shoving off his jacket 'hey, what's wrong? rough day?' and luke just shakes his head, storming up the stairs and he can hear the sobs after he closes the door.

andrew kept around the corner of luke's room, where liz had retreated to angrily after andrew explained the situation to her and she had been comforting his sobs for a while and he can hear him clearly 'he just b-broke up with me..he started c-crying and i asked why and he said he c-couldn't tell and he was sorry.' he sobbed, andrew looking through the crack to see him buried in her chest and she sighs, stroking his hair and andrew sighs, going downstairs and grabbing the phone 'hello mrs. clifford? yes, i'd like to speak with michael.' and a half hour later the two boys are in the doorway sobbing and michael is murmuring apologizes and sneaking glances at his father nervously.

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