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michael was rushing through the airport, ignoring girls' screams at him and cameras flashing as he ran through and he's running to a certain gate to find a certain boy that he fucked up with, they were on his tour and they started fighting last night, and when michael woke up ashton was gone, along with his bags and he left a note and no, michael wasn't letting him go that easy so he kept running, seeing him about to board the plane and he shook his head, calling out his name and everyone stopped moving, ashton clenching his eyes before turning around, only to get pulled out of line and into michael's arms 'mike..' 'don't go, please don't go..' he whispered, starting to sob into his neck 'please, i'm sorry i'm sorry i-i'll be better please..' he cried, his arms squeezing his waist and ashton softened and succumbed to his desperation 'hey, hey, look at me.' he cupped his cheeks 'you okay? let's go talk somewhere okay?' and he nodded, noticing that his eyes were filled as well and ashton never got on a plane that day, he stayed in michael's embrace.

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