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'i can't go home, not now..' calum mumbles and sits on the sidewalk because he just went out to eat with his boyfriend after he had a fight with his father about how michael "was a bad influence" when he wasn't, calum's dad was just a homophobe, so michael sits next to him and takes his hand, playing with his fingers and smiles brightly 'then come to my house.' he giggled and calum sighed because at the end of the day, yes, he was wealthy and his house was huge but his parents didn't give two shits but at this point he's practically living at his boyfriend's ever since they started dating a year ago and he sighs again with tears with his eyes because michael's parents were more loving than his own, all they cared about was mali and he feels a thumb rub on his cheek and looks, seeing michael with a pout but with fond eyes and calum smiles a little and nods, michael actually squealing before he picked him up and walked him to the car, murmuring how excited he is to cuddle.

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