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dancer!luke had just finished a performance and was backstage chugging down four waters when he hears his name being murmured so he looks, seeing mali koa, a girl he danced with a few times talking to someone that luke prayed wasn't her boyfriend because he was seriously hot 'mal, i can't just—' 'yes you can you asshole.' definitely not her boyfriend when she smacked the back of his head 'c'mon the worst he'll say is no! he's really sweet and you only come to my shows to see him anyway' and luke blushes in pink and smiles because they're talking about him so he decides to save the boy because he obviously doesn't have enough courage 'hey mali, who's this?' and calum mutters a quiet 'oh fuck' and mali smiles when he walks over 'luke, this is my brother calum, calum this is luke.' and luke bites his lip while calum blushes before mali giggles and walks away 'i've known mali koa for years, didn't know she had a brother..a hot brother.' he giggled and calum smiled, blushing and it's quiet for a moment 'listen uh—' 'i'd love to go out with you.' and calum's eyes widen 'really?' and it's all uphill from there because calum walks out of the theatre and sighing into the seat of mali's car 'how'd it go?' 'good.' but it was way better than good because he has a new contact in his phone and a tingle on his cheek.

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