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calum was at home, on his fourth lollipop when he sees a post on twitter and he clicks on it, smiling when it was ashton because they had just sort of came out together with their year long relationship because they were seen at different places recently, calum being an actor and ashton with his music so the video loads 'hi ashton!!' and the dimpled boy smiled in the video 'hi!' and the video's picture gets blurry when the fan hugs him and ashton is signing an album for her when she speaks again 'can you say hi to calum for me?!' and ashton looks up with a smile 'yeah of course.' and calum smiles to himself 'i love him!' she says and calum blushes 'i love him too.' ashton said and the video ended and calum hears the door open 'hey baby.' he hears the same soft voice from the video and he smiles, getting up and jumping in his arms and ashton stumbled back with a giggle 'woah—' 'i fucking love you.' and calum shows him the video later and he blushes and smiles at the floor 'aww you big sap.' calum nudges him and smiles, before kissing him softly.

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