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michael was more upset and hurt then angry when ashton was two hours late to dinner because he felt like ashton didn't care about him anymore and the ride home in the car was silent, 'mikey—' 'shut up.' he said, his hand over his eyes as he leaned against the window and ashton sighed, pulling in the driveway and michael opened the door 'i-i'm gonna go for a drive..' and michael just rolled his eyes 'good for you.' he slammed the door shut and walked inside, ashton leaning his head on the steering wheel and sighing.

michael was kinda worried because ash had been gone two hours but he looks out the window, furrowing his eyebrows when he sees ashton's car in the driveway so he opens the door, seeing ashton in a ball on the porch 'ash, what the fuck are you doing?' he yelled because it was pouring and ashton looked back and michael could tell he was freezing so he dragged him inside, noticing his lips were blue and he was soaked as he shivered 'i-i stood you up b-by two hours so i-i the r-rain for two hours..i never l-left..' he trembled and michael's eyes rounded, kissing his freezing cheeks before bringing him to the bathroom to start a hot bath.

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