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michael giggled when luke blew a puff of smoke in his face and luke grinned at him, kissing him quick on the nose and the blue haired boy blushed and shifted on his lap 'open up..' he tapped michael's lips with his fingertip and the boy giggled, parting his lips and luke smiled 'good boy' and michael watched him take a drag before he kissed him softly, his tongue massaging his mouth and michael moaned before he pulled back 'blow out.' and michael did, sighing and giving a little giggle when the smoke exited out of his mouth and luke smiled at him, pulling him close and kissing his hair 'i love you baby.' and michael smiled into his shoulder because he's never been happier, even though people thought luke was 'unhealthy' and 'tainted' and 'bad news' he wasn't 'i love you too lukey.' and luke smiled into his neck.

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