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ashton had always had the biggest crush on his neighbor calum ever since he moved in when they were twelve and even though they didn't converse a lot in school, they sat on their windowsills at night sometimes and talked about anything and everything and ashton was waiting one night, fumbling with his fingers and he looks back in his room and realizes it's 8, the time they usually meet and he frowns when he sees him trembling his way to the window '' he said softly, watching how the boy pretended to scratch his nose in order to cover his eyes for a second 'hey..' he whispered, mirroring him on his own window sill 'calum?' and he breaks, bursting into cries and ashton did what he did once in a while, climbed the tree in the middle over to his window, climbing in his room after the boy did and he pulls him in his arms 'shh, hey hey, shh..' then there was a bang on the door and ashton was shoved in the closet.

ashton listened as best as possible and looked through a crack in the closet and saw calum's dad, calum pretty much cowering in fear as he yelled at him but when the man slapped his son across the face ashton didn't care anymore, he jumped out of the closet and grabbed his father by his collar, throwing him against the wall 'you fucking fuck.' and calum is trying to calm him down but it isn't working and calum's father is actually scared and ashton beats the complete shit out of him and calum moves in with the irwin's when he's arrested for child abuse because those bruises weren't from soccer.

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