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punk!calum came home with an angry glare to his eyes, the fight with his gangmember driving him insane and he walks into the bedroom to see a lump trembling under the covers and the rage disappears, his face softening in confusion 'baby?' and ashton jumps from his sobs 'i-i thought you wouldn't be back till seven.' and calum hears the pain in his voice so he walks over, climbing on top of him 'baby?' and ashton sighs, turning and looking up at him 'baby..' he whispered, bending his arms to kiss his cheek 'who made you cry?' he whispered, burying in the crook of his neck and ashton sniffed, thinking about how he was the only one to bring out this sweet and protective side of calum '' he broke again, calum pushing off of him and pulling him in his arms, turning to lay on his back 'i'm so sorry baby...' kissing his hair because he knew of the cancer and maybe calum's gangmember came over later, letting himself in and he peeks through the crack in the door, seeing his "not soft" leader soothing his boyfriend with some of the sweetest words.

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