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calum stood at the counter on his phone, the time of 12:33 in the morning flashing and mocking at him at the top of the screen because he was so pissed because the day at the studio sucked and he came home to a messy house and his boyfriend lazily sleeping on the couch and he's about to go in the shower when ashton stands next to him, sliding a present in front of him and he looks at ashton blankly 'what's--' 'happy's not much but um..' and ashton sighed, the tears still falling down his face from no less than ten minutes ago when calum got home because he didn't want to be woken up by a spit of jesus christ he can't fucking clean up when he purposely left the anniversary dinner out for him to see and now calum stares at the gift, his heart slowly falling 'baby, i-i'm--' 'don't tell me you're sorry, don't give me that bullshit calum.' he whispered softly and calum sighed when he walked away, and his heart officially stopped beating when he heard ashton's mumble of 'he doesn't even love me anymore.'

calum didn't know what to do at that point because he was such a shitty boyfriend and he didn't know what to do so he ran out of the house and all over town, returning home in twenty minutes and he prints a bunch of things and ashton is sniffling when he hears a knock on the door and he's about to yell a 'go away' but calum already barges in, covered in printed out paper trophies that say 'world's worst boyfriend' and ashton breaks, laughing and rolling on the floor 'what the fuck are you doing?' he laughed and calum smiled a little and once ashton calmed and secretly took a picture calum reached under the bed as ashton sat against it 'i'm sorry..i thought the 16th was next week, so, i'm' and ashton bit his lip, taking the gift and unwrapping it slowly 'you've been wanting them for a while..' and ashton furrowed his eyebrows and he opened it, his eyes widening 'calum.' 'are they okay? i wasn't sure if--' and his lips were pressed against another pair and he sighed before ashton pulled back 'are you fucking crazy.'

calum smiled, 'calum you know paints like this cost like--' 'mhm.' and ashton looked at him, he loved art so much and calum just had to get him one of the most expensive brands of acrylics, 52 colors, 'oh and uh, i um, wanted to show you something' and he brings ashton out by the hand and into the living room which is filled with pillows and blankets and movies and candy and fairy floss (cotton candy)  and ashton smiles, turning around and kissing his lips 'thank you.' he whispered and calum smiled 'i love you, please don't doubt that.'

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