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michael just got back from tour and said he'd take care of putting their five year old to bed so luke sat on the couch, sighing and taking deep breaths because he was so mentally exhausted but then michael tackled him, placing feverish kisses all over his face and luke giggled and tried to cover his face 'oh no you didn't mr. clifford' and luke giggled because that was his newer last name as of 6 months ago so he sighs when michael stays in a push up position over him and he cards a hand through his hair 'mmm..' michael hummed when he massaged his scalp and luke smiled and kissed his lips 'i missed you.' he whispered, his lips hovering michael's and michael smiled 'i missed you so five ways.' he mumbled, his lips brushing luke's 'five?' he whispered and michael hummed and nodded, 'soul' he kissed his lips 'smile.' and luke smiled at that, so michael kissed his cheek 'mind.' he kissed his hair 'presence.' and luke bit his lip when he sucked at his neck 'and your body.'

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