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michael was schizophrenic when he was younger, it was pretty much gone now except every once in a while, maybe like..twice a year, ashton would be confused but he's learned to just go with it and it was one of those days, it was rainy and ashton knew that one of michael's symptoms that still remained on these days was that he didn't really show emotion, just a blank face or talk to others, which was devastating to watch, but it had to happen anyway, so ashton pokes his head in their bedroom where michael is on the bed, lost in thought as he played with his fingers 'hey mike.' and michael looked up 'hi.' he said pretty emotionless and ashton smiled and michael softened a little 'just checking in on you baby.' and he kissed his forehead 'i'll see you in a little yeah? i love you.' and michael nodded with a blank face and ashton walked to the door 'wait, ash.' and he turned back around 'love you.' he said quietly, still not showing emotion but ashton smiled because that's the most he's ever shown or spoke on these kind of days so he smiled and walked away, and michael's days were completely gone a year later.

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