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punk!calum had fallen asleep with his head in luke's lap a little over twenty minutes ago, leaving luke to talk to ashton and michael, calum's punk friends and the two laugh when luke blushes 'he is not whipped.' 'oh yeah?' 'y-yeah.' and the two boys go on to list examples of things that make complete sense so luke looks down and smiles, his fingers still carding through his hair because maybe he is but all of a sudden calum jolted, squirming a little and he's mumbling and all of a sudden there are tears on his cheeks so luke shakes him 'cal? calum.' and he jolts awake, meeting eyes with his blonde lil baby and he smiles sadly and sits up, pulling him on top of him and burying in his neck 'oh god, i'll never let anything bad happen to you..i swear, i'll protect you always' he whispered, letting out a small sob and he kisses his hair and michael and ashton look at each other because maybe the punkest guy they know is in love.

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