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michael was selectively mute and everybody knew, yet nobody cared because he was the school freak, the one who was always laughed at and he's at his locker when he hears the familiar boys' voices and he walks away as fast as he can but bumps into something, someone, and falls to the ground and looks to see ashton irwin, his classmate since forever 'hey, sorry mikey.' he helped him up and helped pick up his books before ruffling his hair 'new color eh?' and michael blushes as red as his hair and nods and ashton smiles, kissing his head before scurrying away.

it's been two days and ashton is being kinda clingy on michael, always trying to make small talk and it's scaring him, this could all be some prank anyway but it isn't, and michael is sighing at his locker because someone spray painted another rude comment on the metal and michael's eyes fill when he hears the boys' chuckles at him because he knows they did it and it's the end of the day when ashton meets up with michael, the red haired boy going wide eyed at his black eye 'don't worry about it.' and ashton holds him by the waist and walks him out, michael not seeing the boy who did it come stumbling out of the nurse's office with two black eyes and a bloody nose from ashton irwin.

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