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'please michael..y-you can't—' 'baby if you think i'm leaving you you're out of your mind' and luke's tears continued and he slipped his hand out of his fiancé's and gazed at the hospital bed 'th-they said i might not walk again mikey..' he whispered and michael sighed, rubbing his hands through his hair 'baby, i don't care—' 'MICHAEL STOP!!' he yelled, finally starting to sob and he put his head in his hands 'baby..' he whispered, pulling his upper body in his arms 'baby shh..' '..i'm worthless mikey..i don't want your life to revolve around me..' 'it already does' he cleared his tears away and kissed him softly before the doctor walked in.

three months later luke is about to stand for the first time again because they performed a procedure on his legs after the accident and the sobbing with michael so he throws the covers off himself and swings his legs over the side of the bed because he can feel them again and his eyes fill when michael smiles at him 'you ready.' 'i'm scared.' and michael smiles softly and kisses his lips 'don't be..i'm right here.' so luke stands slowly, his hands grasped in his fiancé's and he loses his balance for a second but michael holds him still 'you got it baby..i got you.' and luke nods slowly, and he takes his first step.

ten minutes later luke had taken 30 steps which apparently was really fantastic, he only lost his balance to where michael had to hold him twice and michael stands still while luke walks into his chest, sighing and starting to cry of happiness when he hugs him like he used to, the shorter blonde burying into the redhead's collarbones and michael smiles, kissing his hair and even though it's a long process, luke ends up being able to walk again.

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