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michael officially hated spiderman and he never thought he'd say that in his life but right now ashton was drooling over the actor in the film and michael could see him bite his lip when he comes on shirtless and michael huffed quietly, clearing his throat and pulling him a little closer to remind him of who was holding him but all he murmurs is 'where can i buy a spiderman?' and michael frowned, thinking over every insecurity he had and by the end he's holding back tears and he takes his arm off ashton's shoulders and stands 'hey, where you going? i wanna cuddle..' he whined but michael shrugged 'i'm gonna use the bathroom.' he said quietly, walking away before ashton could say anything but ten minutes later michael still isn't back so ashton frowns and stands, walking to the bathroom and he frowns deeper when he sees michael staring at himself in the mirror with pure disappointment and ashton finally gets it, walking in and wrapping his arms around him and nuzzling into his neck 'did i mention that i want someone cuddly and purple hair? cause that's what i really want.'

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