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calum jolted awake and sat up, looking over and seeing that luke wasn't there; his eyes widening 'LUKE?!?' and he heard faint footsteps and sighed, watching as the blonde ran into the room with wide eyes 'hey, hey, what happened, i was just getting water.' he said softly, cupping his cheeks and wiping his eyes 'i just..woke up--a-and you weren't here.' he let out a sob 'you weren't here again.' and luke's heart broke 'breathe baby, breathe.' and calum whimpered 'it's so fucking scary.' and he looked down at the bandages on luke's arms because he had tried to commit suicide two weeks ago and luke sighed, sitting in his lap 'i know, but i'm okay now..' he whispered and calum sniffled, slowly unwrapping the bandages 'cal--' 'please.' he whispered and luke hesitated to nod, calum slowly unveiling his wounds and he stared before sniffling and he laid his forehead on luke's 'i love you.' 'i love you more calum.'

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