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ashton was up for the fifth night in a row because the bed was cold, and no, he didn't break up with luke, but he still lost him, the boy went missing days ago when he never returned from the studio but they found his cellphone in the street and ashton doesn't know what to do, he's contacted the police already and they're doing what they can to help but to ashton it isn't enough, he needs him back so he sits up in bed with another round of tears, clutching luke's hoodie that smelled exactly like him and ashton just murmured prayers into the fabric and all of a sudden his phone rings and when he sees michael's name he sighs, he usually called this late when he couldn't sleep either 'h-hey mikey, couldn't sleep?' 'ash..' he sobbed and he could hear calum too 'you're never gonna believe this..' 'what?' ashton bit his lip 'we found him.' ashton's eyes widened and he swore his heart stopped and he almost passed out.

ashton has never driven faster in his fucking life but he didn't care, he rushed into the hospital, seeing michael and calum in the waiting room crying and he was about to pant to the desk lady that he needed to see luke hemmings but a nurse bursted out of the hallway 'is there anyone here named ashton?!' and ashton nodded vigorously and she dragged him into the hallway, explaining on the way how 'mr. clifford' and 'mr. hood' found him bloody and bruised on the side of the road and has been whimpering for him and she shoves him in the room where doctors are bustling and stitching and trying to soothe him but he's sobbing into his hands so he rushes over 'luke, baby, look at me..' he whispered into his ear and luke looked up and sniffed, wrapping himself around his waist and sobbing.

'as-ash..' he sobbed 'i'm so scared..' he nuzzled into his chest and ashton's eyes filled and he kissed the top of his head and luke flinched when he rubbed his back and he's finally calm and is squeezing ashton when he's in pain and the doctors ask him questions and he just whimpers and murmurs them to ashton so he can tell them because he's that scared and they leave to give them some alone time and ashton's hand is carding through his hair as he sings a little and watches his eyes flutter and by this point he's laid down next to him on the bed and michael and calum come through the door, ashton smiling a little as he saw them and they mirrored him, before calum crawled onto the bed by their feet and michael spooned the other side of luke.

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