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it's a known fact that calum is obsessed with puppies and even though none of the boys could buy one because of management and not being home enough, calum was still cooing at every one he saw and it's finally his birthday but nobody remembered, he woke up to a note on luke's pillow 'had to go the studio back by 4, love you -luke :) xx' so calum frowned and he mopes around all day, not even getting a text from michael or ash but a billion tweets, and mali shows up at his door 'happy birthday!!!' and he smiles when she hugs him 'i'm taking you out!!' she giggled, dragging him out by the sweat pant and he whined, 'no, mal i'm tired..' 'sucks to suck babe.' and she drives around for a little while he pouts because luke still didn't text him and it's 12 already and he furrows his eyebrows when they show up at michael and ashton's flat 'mal what're we doing here?' 'oh, i lent michael my acoustic, but come in with me.' so he sighed and nodded, hopping out with her and when they walk in the room the boys jump out and tackle calum in hugs 'w-wait what?' 'of course i didn't forget your birthday.' luke grinned and led him into the living room, where there were five puppies running around and calum grinned 'you get to have them for the whole day.' and mali and the boys cringed from the other room when they heard luke moan and the sound of making out.

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