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it's been three weeks since michael left, no, calum was left alone, after he had gotten drunk and hit michael across the face and michael is more miserable  than ever as he lives with his parents and he's staring at his froot loops but a voice snaps him out of his thoughts 'michael, have you seen this?' his mum came into the kitchen where he was eating with a magazine, not noticing his already tear stained cheeks when she turned it around 'calum hood breaks his contract: "i've lost everything."' and michael never thought he'd be back at that stupid flat but he pounded on the door until calum answered with bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks and his eyes fell to the article clutched in michael's hands and he sniffed 'y-you gave up your career?' michael whispered and calum hesitated to nod, staring at him with awe-filled eyes.

'y-yeah..yeah i did.' he whispered when he finally allowed him in 'why?' calum's eyes filled 'y-you left..' he shrugged weakly 'what's the point?' 'what's the point?!' michael yelled, throwing the magazine and calum flinched 'YOU FUCKING LOVE MUSIC!! AND YOU'RE AMAZING AT IT!! WHAT--' 'BECAUSE I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE!!' he sobbed and michael fell quiet, his tears starting to stream 'i-i--' he choked out 'i-i lost you--i hit y-you..i-i lo-lost my friends--my family c-can't even look at me without d-disgust..' he cried, keeping his eyes away 'i-i have nothing left..michael, fucking nothing.' he sobbed and michael closed his eyes and pursed his lips 'i don't wanna do this anymore..i-i put you and th-the people i care about after my job, after, fucking--fucking partying.' and michael just tackled him into a hug as he sobbed, squeezing him tight and calum caught him, sobbing into his hair and it's later when calum falls asleep as the little spoon for the first time ever, and michael decides to give him another chance.

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