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'a-ashy?' he breathed, watching from his spot on the counter as his shoulders started to tremble, his fingers gripped on the counter across and calum jumped down, wrapping his arms around him from behind 'ash..i-i'm so-rry.' he whispered into his back and ashton sobbed, placing his hand on one his arms, caressing it before he turned around, calum getting a glance of his red eyes and cheeks before he put his chin on calum's head 'never, n-never do that talk to m-me, i'm h-here for you.' he sobbed, pulling him tighter to him as the visions of calum hanging from the shower curtain cloud back in his mind even though it's been thirty minutes since they got home from the hospital 'p-please come t-talk to me..i love y-you.' and even though calum only nods softly, ashton knows he promises.

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