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luke smiled dreamily when he saw another gif-set of lashton on tumblr because he wished it was actually true because he has been in love with him for years 'hey luke.' he jumps when he hears ash's voice and scrambles to try and close the app but ash sees 'aww..that's cute.' he giggles, taking his phone and looking at the gif set and ashton hugs luke tight 'love you lukey.' he giggled and luke just wish he meant it so he just looks at his fingertips as he walks away but michael and calum have had enough and go to luke 'just fucking tell him already!' and luke shakes his head shyly but ashton walks back in 'tell me what?' grabbing his phone that he left in the room and luke goes wide eyed 'n-nothing.' 'don't give me that bull shit.' and luke just gets upset, running out of the room and locking himself in his room.

luke has been crying in his room for more than a half hour and he just knows that michael and calum told ashton, and a soft knock comes on the door 'luke? can we talk?' and luke shakes his head even though he can't see him and ashton sighs 'luke? c'mon babe.' and that nickname hurts so much right now because even though it was so familiar it sounded loving but he opens the door anyway 'hey.' ash breathed and luke doesn't look at him 'i'm guessing they told you?' and ashton nods slowly 'i-i'm so sorry..i-it-it never meant to happen—' 'hey hey stop.' ashton cupped his face and shushed him, watching his eyes widen and luke's hands taking down ashton's 'okay. fuck it.' he backed luke up until his back slammed against the wall and kissed him hotly.

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