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deaf!michael didn't tell ashton about the surgical procedure that gave him back his hearing from when he was six because he was nervous, he was scared ashton would be mad, he didn't know why so when he gets home after hearing for the first day since he was in grade 1, ashton ran up to him and tackled him in a hug, signing 'hi.' but saying it at the same time and michael gasped, ashton looking at him confused but michael just looked at him, his eyes filling 'hey what's wrong?' but michael just grabbed him, 'i-i can hear you.' he whispered and ashton pulled back, cupping his face 'what?' 'i-i can..' he laughed 'hear you.' and sure his voice wasn't completely fluent but ashton just stared at him.

when ashton didn't answer michael started to panic because he was mad, wasn't he so he cries more 'ash..?' and ashton looks at him wide eyed before dragging him to the couch and he sits him down 'michael?' he asked and michael nodded and ashton signed 'tell me what i'm saying' and michael nodded and ashton put a hand in front of his mouth 'what's my favorite color?' and michael smiled 'your f-favorite color? th-that's the best y-you thought of?' and they spend the next two hours crying into each other and ashton shows him every music video and song and michael begs him to sing him to sleep, not without crying at ashton's beautiful voice he's wanted to hear for so long.

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