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even though luke was a punk in a gang michael loved him, he was always so sweet and kind to him and one night michael is still awake and looking at his taller boyfriend, admiring his tattoos and face but he starts thrashing, and whimpering, and michael gets scared when he starts to scream and thrashing more before he freezes and goes silent and michael calmly cups his cheeks when he sees his tears and he whispers softly 'lukey, wake up, it's okay..' and his body calms and his eyes flutter, revealing shiny blue eyes and michael smiles a little 'hey, just a dream..' he whispered, kissing his forehead and luke pulled him close and sobs, his body shaking and michael rubs his back 'm-mikey..kitten..' he whispered into his sobs and michael shushed him 'they killed you mikey...t-they--' he sobbed 'shhh, hey i'm here aren't i? right here with you.' and luke was sobbing for another half hour before michael dragged him downstairs so he could make him some hot cocoa--his weakness that michael wasn't supposed to mention to anyone--and crawl in his lap and cuddle into the boy still frozen scared.

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