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'i-i..i am not!!' luke whined, punching ashton's arm, who laughed along with michael on the couch but deep down he knew it was true, he was fucking whipped for calum and he sits back and pouts but then calum walks in sleepily because it's the morning, plopping on his lap and burying in his neck 'you are lukey..' 'what?!' ashton and michael burst into laughter and luke pouts again, trying to resist sneaking his arms around him 'you're whipped, luke..' calum smiled against his neck 'oh-oh yeah?!' luke frowned 'give me three examples' 'you carry my bags when we shop--' 'well i'm--' 'you told my mum that i wasn't sick anymore so you could take care of me' mashton snorted 'and you watched safe haven with me even though i know you didn't want to.' so luke sits back with red cheeks and crosses his arms across his chest and pouts, calum looking at him with big eyes and a cute pout of his own 'lukey..can we cuddle?' and luke nods, wrapping his arms around him and letting him nuzzle in his neck 'WHIPPED!!' 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!'

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