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luke leant against the wall across from calum's chamber door, praying to god someone wouldn't round the corner and go down the hallway because it was 3am and he was nervous, like usual, even though he had done this so many times and he sighed, tapping on the door and biting his lip and he looks down, thinking and thinking until he hears a creak of the chamber door and it opens slowly to prince!calum, who grins at him like he usually does and luke smiles, giggling softly when calum drags him in before calum's hands cup his face, kissing him softly and luke melts under his touch 'hey.' 'hey.' he breathed, placing his hand on his lower back before kissing him again because luke was a palace guard and they never got more than usually 20 minutes so that's why they meet at night, and calum smiles against his lips 'what do you have there mister hemmings?' nodding to the hand behind his back and luke bites his lip, blushing as he pulls out a rose behind his back and calum melts at his sweetness, taking it from him and twirling it in his fingers and calum smiles, 'i love you.' 'i love you more.' and the king comes bashing through the door.

luke's eyes widen and he steps back, the king looking between the two of them and calum pales, dropping the rose 'what is the meaning of this?' and luke pales as well because he didn't think they'd get caught after three years of sneaking around and the king repeats what he said, this time a bit softer 'dad, we um--' 'i kissed him. he didn't want to but i forced him.' and calum looks at him with huge eyes 'okay, no, luke stop..stop saving me from trouble.' and luke looks at him, nodding and they explain everything to him, and by the end calum is in luke's arms and the king is smiling and the next day the messenger is running around with a new scroll 'the prince has found a husband and not a wife!!!'

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