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so calum's parents were verbally abusive and calum was done, because they were just never satisfied and even though he's only 17 he drives to michael's house to ask if he can stay the night because his boyfriend had his own place and michael answers the door in mid laugh at something his mother said but his face falls when he sees the tears on calum's face so he pulls him in and into his arms, 'hey guys i'm gonna go upstairs for a bit' he called to his happy and laughing family and he led calum upstairs and into his room and he pulled him into his lap when he sat on the bed 'mikey can i stay tonight?' and michael nods, 'yeah baby, of course, you okay?' and calum just doesn't answer, only murmurs 'i'll just stay up here, go back downstairs.' and michael almost laughs 'i'm gonna stay up here--' 'michael please..' he whispered and michael looked down on him.

'you have a nice and h-happy family, don't waste it away on me, you should treasure that.' he whispered, cuddling his body and michael sighed 'baby..' he whispered 'please, mike.' and michael ends up going back downstairs and leaving calum watching friends, until he comes back in twenty minutes later, 'c'mon, my family wants to see you' and calum ends up downstairs laughing and smiling and blushing when michael's cousin nudges him and smirks and michael kisses his hair 'you're my family too, baby' and they make that official two years later, 711 days after calum moves in.

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