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calum was freaking out about meeting ashton's parents because he couldn't mess this up and even though they've been together two years they had yet to meet because cough cough DIFFERENT CONTINENTS so calum is practically trembling as they walk up to the door and they don't know that ashton's step father is watching them through the window and he is staring the boy down even though he knows he's not looking but he furrows his eyebrows when he sees him shaking his head 'ash, i can't..i'm gonna fuck up o-or i'll do something dumb--' 'babe.' ashton reached up and cupped his cheeks 'you'll do fine, they'll love you..' 'promise they won't hate me?' he mumbled with burning cheeks and his step dad smiled, he was too shy and sweet to be a jerk and he opens the door, ashton pulling away from his lips with a smile but calum with scared eyes 'i-i'm really sorry--' 'don't worry about it, come on in.' and by the end calum is telling stories and laughing and his parents are laughing along and ashton is watching with a fond smile.

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