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accidentally breaking famous!luke's laptop was all calum really needed right now, he had to get a second fucking job because he could barely pay for his bills let alone a $600 computer so he goes to luke's flat after work and calum sighs happily when he's wrapped in his warm arms and then they're eating chinese and giggling when luke's face goes serious and calum asks what's wrong 'why didn't you tell me that you had money troubles?' and calum just blushes 'i-i don't.' and luke scoffs 'michael said he saw you working at that italian place and the diner and after i snooped through your mail.' he crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows 'so?' 'why're you paying for a laptop i can easily buy myself?' and calum sighs 'because it's about moral luke, i broke it so i should pay—' 'well that's funny. because i just bought myself a new laptop an hour ago and decided you're moving in with me.' calum spit out his water in a mist and looked at smirking luke 'what?'

'babe you're always over; you basically live here what's the difference?' ''s..ugh!!' he groaned in frustration and luke smiled, pulling him in between his legs 'it was either that or i'm paying off your flat—' 'no.' and luke giggled, kissing his hair 'you stink, ya know. i don't wanna rely on you.' and luke rolled his eyes 'babe we've been together for 5 years..we're basically married—' 'if you pull out a fucking million dollar ring i'm done hemmings.' luke giggled and kissed his hair again 'not yet baby, not yet..but that means you'll live with me?' and calum sighs, nodding and the next day calum moves in and is settled when luke comes behind him and sneaks his arms around his waist 'i love you.' he mumbled into his neck.

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