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michael chewed his lip when calum giggled 'c-cal, please just--' 'michael i know how to dye hair.' he giggled and michael sighed, hating the fact he lost the bet that he placed, that he could hold his breath longer than his boyfriend but apparently calum was a swimmer along with footie and here he is now, letting his boyfriend do any color hair and he is seriously worried; his hair is his baby (besides calum) and calum forced him to keep his eyes closed and after two hours he finally is done and michael opens his eyes, them widening because it's fucking awesome 'calum, how the fuck--' and he ran his fingers through the dark purple and calum just meets his eyes through the mirror nervously 'd-do you like it?' he asked nervously and michael looked at him, backing him into the door and calum's new hickeys match his hair.

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