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luke was running around because what the hell where's ashton's engagement ring but all of a sudden he hears sobbing from the laundry room and he rushes in, and, fearing the worst, seeing ashton clutching the red box and luke sighs, falling against the door frame 'fuck.' he mumbled and ashton looked over, his hand still covering his mouth but he sniffed, taking it off and luke sighed 'in my jean pocket huh?' and ashton nodded, looking at the velvet box 'i don't wanna open it.' he mumbled and luke chuckled but ashton let out a sob 'i don't wanna look at it!! is-is it pretty?!' and luke laughed, coming closer and hugging him tight because he knew ashton was always really emotional and he puts his forehead on his collarbones and sobs and luke took it from him, dropping down, 'do you wanna see it now....'

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