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'hey uh luke?' and luke looks up from his guitar and at his boyfriend with a smile and michael shuffled his feet from behind the wall he was peeking over 'can you—uh, c'mere?' and luke nods, standing and following him when he disappeared behind the wall and michael takes his hand and luke's confused when he leads them outside 'uh mike?' 'yeah?' he bit his lip and luke smiled 'what's going on?' because all of a sudden there were rose petals everywhere and michael blushed 'i uh..i'll explain in a minute.' and luke smiles, nodding because he has a gut feeling and then there are two trees strung with white lights and michael leads him under them before taking both his hands 'luke.' he breathed and the blonde couldn't hide his smile 'i um..' 'relax, babe, i think i know where you're going.' and michael instantly did because if he knew and he was smiling then.. 'okay, i know i'm crazy.' he smiled and luke giggled 'i know i'm immature and i can be so stupid some times..' he smiled 'i-i just..' he dropped to one knee and luke was right, he did know where it was going.

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