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calum was an angel but michael didn't know that, so when calum saw the dark looking boy in the corner of the cafeteria by himself, he went over and sat next to him 'hey, i'm calum.' because he was sent on a mission to save and look after this boy and michael glances up and his lips part before he blushes and looks back down 'h-hey. michael.' and he chewed a little more of his sandwich and it's four years later when they're cuddled on the couch and michael is staring at his ring finger 'i love you.' he breathed, kissing his cheek because ever since he met calum he had had no more nightmares, depression or anxiety so calum smiled, kissing his forehead 'i love you more baby.' and michael giggled, burying in his neck 'you're my savior.' and calum smiled 'can i tell you something?' and michael nods with a smile but that smile turns into an agape mouth five minutes later when his new fiancé shows him his white wings and cute little halo 'say something.' calum whispered nervously and bit his lip and michael stood, coming closer to touch one of the feathers 'that's why i felt like you were made for me.'

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