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when calum was in the shower for a longer time than usual, a half hour more, michael sensed something was wrong so he entered the bathroom quietly, hearing his sniffles under the sound of the water rushing and he strips down, a frown now on his face and he opens the curtains quietly, seeing his baby quivering like he was cold under the hot water and he snaked his arms around his waist 'baby..' he whispered into his ear, and calum sniffed, leaning back a bit 'will you tell me what's wrong princess?' he whispered softly, his hands spreading over his stomach 'they just won't stop..' he whispered and michael kissed his temple 'what won't?' 't-these guys at school.' he whispered, and the silence then felt different 'what're they doing?' he whispered, cursing himself for dropping out because his family was loaded and set 'what are they not?' he whispered, throwing in a sad little chuckle and michael sighed, kissing his hair.


it was the next morning and michael made calum stay home so he had a three day weekend and he slipped out of bed, plopping a kiss on his lips 'love you baby' and he went downstairs, calum waking up an hour later and he blinks, not feeling his favorite source of warmth 'mikey?' he called shyly after standing, fumbling with the edge of his t shirt he had on and he padded down the stairs, his eyes widening when he saw what michael had done for him; a giant stack of movies and the couches moved to god knows where, pillows all over the floor in front of the tv and with fairy lights and two trays of food and calum smiled when he smelled vanilla, michael knew that he loved that spray and speaking of the boy, he came in with a vase and a bouquet of white roses 'aw man i wasn't done yet.' he pouted.

'mikey w-what's all this?' his eyes round and his smile big and michael smiled, setting down the flowers and pulling him in a hug 'you've been bummed baby, thought we could be lazy today.' and calum smiled and nodded, nuzzling in his chest and they're on their fourth movie, calum still in between his legs 'hey baby?' and calum hums, looking up at him 'i gotta ask you something--' 'i'm not ready for marriage, mike.' michael chuckled 'me either, baby, not what i was gonna ask' and calum smiles and nods 'how would you feel about online school? you could be home more with me because it's only three hours a day and--i just thought it might help.' and calum looks at him, murmuring an i love you before kissing him softly and michael was happy for two reasons; 1. his baby was okay and happy 2. he got laid that night.

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