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calum walked through the door and heard quiet rustling 'luke?' he asked, looking around for his blind boyfriend 'DON'T COME IN!!' he yelled and calum furrowed his eyebrows, walking towards the living room 'luke? are you okay--' 'yes, yes i'm fine--wait, stop you can't look!!' and calum looks in, seeing luke's back to him while he does something on the coffee table 'okay, close your eyes..' 'luke why should i--' 'just close your eyes, and please don't lie about it.' so calum said okay and closed his eyes, feeling luke's hands fumble with his own and he pulled him back slowly, before luke mumbled an okay and snuck around him and his arms around his waist 'okay, um, you can open.' and calum did, his eyes widening and mouthing 'what the fuck?' so he couldn't see 'um, i-i'm sorry about the wrapping; it's probably not--' 'babe, how the fuck did you do this? holy shit.' he picked up the gift and looked at it, it was perfect 'oh, um, it looks okay?' 'jesus christ it's amazing.' and luke blushed and tried to hide his smile 'okay, um,' proud of himself 'open it.' and calum smiled, unwrapping it carefully and he tore open the paper, opening the box and his heart melted when he saw the picture frame with a picture of the two of them. ^^^^^

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