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cal could hear the door open and close in the next room, along with keys jingling before clunking as they were put on the table and a crinkle of a plastic bag, probably from a spontaneous trip to the grocery store.
michael was home.

calum was still giving him the silent treatment after the prank he pulled earlier that morning, in which a bucket of water soaked calum while he was sleeping.
and michael completely forgot of calum's fear of swimming and drowning.
so..yeah, that wasn't good for michael, just ask the back of his head that was whacked.

michael still hadn't apologized, but calum knew he would crack soon.
michael stepped in the doorway of the lounge, taking in the sight of calum criss cross on the couch.
calum looked up at him and smiled a little before it sarcastically faded and he glared at him, before looking back down at the song he was working on.
but michael was clearly nervous, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he tried to speak. he always hated when calum was mad at him. then pulled a bouquet of roses from behind his back, coming a step closer to him as he finally broke the silence. michael didn't always remember everything, but he would never forget that calum liked white roses, because they were pure like him yet so hard to find where they lived. (he had to run to eight different stores).
'i know i can be really immature. and i really just wanted you to loosen up after the album and everything that's been going on baby. i fucked up. i care about you and your feelings.' he finished, looking down at his feet as he shuffled them back and forth. but when calum didn't answer, just looked at him, he sat on the floor and pouted, nuzzling his cheek on his calve.
'please forgive me.'
calum looked at him and smiled, shaking his head. he was still the beautiful, perfect michael that he always remembered. and he sighed because he knew that he could never stay mad at him forever. he kissed his hair and that gained a blush on his pale cheeks. 'i love you. all you had to say was sorry.'
calum took the roses and giggled, petting michael's hair, because this was seriously the cutest thing he had done in a while.
michael's eyes lit when he kissed his lips and he grinned, calum giggling.
'you dork. i love you.'
'love you cal.' he breathed, nuzzling on his calves again. calum smiled and grabbed his hand, motioning him up on the couch. so michael climbed up, pulled calum in his lap and nuzzled into his neck.

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