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michael's heart shattered when he saw luke at the end of the hallway with his lips on liam's and michael's eyes filled because him and luke had been on a few dates but it didn't matter, they weren't boyfriends so he could kiss whoever he wanted so michael drops the roses he had, ignoring his plan of asking him to be his boyfriend and walks away, trying to burn the image out of his mind.

luke showed up at michael's later in the day for their date and michael answers the door in sweats, and tear stained cheeks and luke frowns 'didn't you get my text?' michael whispered and luke shook his head, michael checking his and realizing he never sent it so he sighed 'i don't feel well..i'm sorry.' and luke looks at him 'why were you crying?' and michael ruffles his har 'uh—' 'what's really going on?' and michael explains everything, how he was going to ask him when he saw him kissing liam and how it hurt and luke shakes his head 'mikey are you sure that was me?' and michael frowns and nods 'oh my god.' luke laughed 'you thought niall was me' (nIAM YASSS) and luke explains to michael the situation and michael pouts and blushes because he feels like an idiot 'aww love..' he pulled him in his arms 'yeah i'll be your boyfriend, you just gotta trust me.'

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