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michael gordon clifford watched his famous boyfriend's reaction when he told him about the job offer in america, and let's just say it was the farthest thing from happy, his eyes were wide and innocent and he tried to hide the trembling in his bottom lip 'h-how long, how long are you..away for?' he asked and michael gave a little smile, shifting on his lap 'two months, maybe three, but it's a really big offer--i can use more money to use for school.' he bit his lip and it dawned on luke for a second that this is what michael felt like when he went on tour, and he didn't like it 'please don't go, please don't take it..i-i'll pay for school--i'll pay for anything but don't leave for three months.' he begs, his eyes now filled and michael sighed because he knew luke was only back for around three and a half months before tour, and he would be gone by the time michael got back if he left next week, so with a sigh he calls his boss back, but it all works out because luke forces his management to let him come on tour with his band.

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