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calum was mute and always wondered how luke stayed with him because he hated himself, how could he love him, but he returns to their flat on his birthday, the high school day finally finished and luke rushes in with a big smile, picking him up higher than luke's head and spinning him and calum silently giggles, and luke smiles, 'hey was school?' he kisses his cheek and calum gives his hand a shake, like a so-so motion and luke smiled, sitting him on the counter 'well my pretty birthday boy i have gifts for you.' and calum pouted, he hated when people spent money on him and it didn't help that luke's family was a long, long line of billionaires so he orders him to close his eyes and he does, biting his lip 'okay, open.' and when calum opens his eyes they immediately widen and fill with tears, his hands coming over his mouth when he saw luke holding the small husky, he'd always wanted a dog so he slips off the counter and luke hands the puppy over, watching with a smile of how calum takes him so gently, kissing his head and sniffling and he looks up at luke with the biggest smile ever.

after a billion more gifts calum's puppy, which he named leo, was tackling him in kisses and calum swears this is the best day of his life but then all of a sudden luke looks nervous 'calum?' and he looks up 'i um, have one more.' he whispered, calum cocking an eyebrow and luke bites his lip 'i talked to this guy named dr. carter.' and calum nods 'and i told him about, the accident and how you are now, and he said that there's a chance that you could get your voice back.' and calum's hands are on his mouth as he shakes his head 'okay so this is the thing; the not-so bad news is that the procedure only has a 60% chance of working, but the good news is that if it doesn't work there will be no other issues, it'll be just like this.' and calum is still, before throwing him his phone and pointing to it and luke smiles.

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