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michael was leaning against the counter, panting and still crying from his, whatever you call it, with ashton, michael doubting ashton's love for him because they'd been together for three years and they still haven't had sex, and michael has been wanting to make love to him for so long, but ashton always pushed away, and it's been a half hour and he didn't even hear ashton come in, but he felt his arms around his waist and a kiss pressed to his shoulder and he could feel his heat against his back 'marry me.' he whispered, kissing his shoulder and michael's breath caught in his throat 'i was waiting until i asked you...i didn't want you to think i was only in this relationship so that you can open your legs for me.' he whispered, voice cracking and he kissed his shoulder again 'marry me' now letting out a sob and michael turned around to stare at his face, cupping his cheeks 'you don't have to ask me ash, if you don't want to...i wasn't asking for that much.' he pecked his lips but ashton broke more and he shook his head 'b-but i want to..i-i've wanted to for weeks, please--my reputation, it sucks and i-i just wanted to wait, marry me baby..' and michael nods, smiling, and ashton does make love to him that night.

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