Insomniac-Bucky, Narcoleptic-Steve

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Bucky walks into the grocery store, a shopping basket tucked under his right arm. His long brown hair was mostly hidden by his black beanie, he wore a black leather jacket and skinny jeans. He rubs his eyes tiredly and yawns; he hadn't gotten a good sleep last night. Well, he hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in a long, long time.

Bucky had insomnia, so he couldn't sleep most nights because his brain wouldn't shut off. He also had anxiety; a side effect of it. His memory was slightly off, to say the least, he couldn't remember the simplest of things. Luckily for him, he had his best friend and roommate, Pietro Maximoff, to help him out.

Bucky blinks himself from his thoughts just in time to swerve around a little old lady who was slowly hobbling along, pushing her tiny shopping cart. The brunette sighs and turns into the dairy section.

After grabbing milk and butter he frowns, looking around. He couldn't remember where the eggs were. Huffing, he looks for some help and sees a tall blonde in a dark blue shirt, and mistaking him for a worker, he approaches him.

"Hi, excuse me, sir?" Bucky says quietly, walking up behind him. The blonde turns to face him and my gosh,was he handsome. His eyes were the first thing Bucky noticed; light bluish grey and bright. Bucky's were just blue-green. His blonde hair was swept to the side and seemed to fall in his face, as it did then. Finally, Bucky noticed that the guy was packed with muscle. Literally. But he wasn't scary huge, not like a body-builder, but still muscular. His arms, his chest, everywhere. Bucky found himself staring for a while before he swallowed nervously.

"Hi, can I help you with anything?" The blonde asks him, he had a smooth voice and that helps put the brunette at ease. He could feel his anxiety rising up and forced it back.

"Uhm... uh, c-can you help me find the eggs, please?" He stutters, a light blush growing on his cheeks as he does so. The blonde smiles gently and nods, Bucky relaxes.

"Sure." He hums, he grabs his own cart and starts walking to where the eggs were, stopping when they get there. Bucky grabs a carton and puts it in his basket.

"Thanks." He says to the blonde gratefully, glancing up at him.

"No problem. I'm Steve, by the way." The blonde says, reaching a hand out for the brunette to shake.

"I'm Bucky." The brunette introduces, shaking his hand before putting his hands in his jacket pockets. The blonde nods.

"That's a nice name, Bucky." He hums, Bucky blushes slightly and smiles shyly.

"Thanks." He says quietly, shifting his basket from one arm to the other. It went quiet for a while, and it was just the two of them making slightly awkward eye contact.

"Well, I'd uh, better go pay for this." Steve muses, looking at his cart of stuff. Bucky clears his throat and nods, he brushes his brown hair from his face, blushing a little.

"Right, right. Well, maybe I'll see you around, Steve." He says, inwardly slapping himself for probably coming across as desperate. If Steve noticed, he didn't show it, merely smiled and nodded. His blonde hair flopped into his eye and he brushed it away.

"See you, Bucky." The blonde hums, before wheeling his cart around and wandering towards the check out line. Bucky sighs and rubs his face, turning and heading off to find the rest of whatever he needed.

He goes to the back of the line and sees Steve up at the front, still waiting to pay. Bucky sighs and looks around at the candy along the line. Looking back up he makes out Steve again, but he frowns slightly when he sees the blonde sway a little. His eyes widen and a small gasp escapes his mouth as he watches the blonde collapse to the floor without so much as a warning.

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